Ethel Osborn and Lucy Ackerly


Andrew Ackerly


Ethel Osborn


The Kinches
Nettie and Ike and Frank
Mary Crammer (Nettie and Frank's daughter) and Hank


Frank Kinch
getting winter wood


Frank and Nettie Kinch


Frank Kinch
October 1947


Old Mr. "Ed" Scullin


Frederick W. Banks III


Grace Van Nalts and her sister Louise 1917


Grace Van Nalts 2006


Jessica Foote


Rudi Mayer


Beaverkill Valley School circa 1913
Lucy Ackerly 4th from left in middle row


Theodore Willich, on right, with Dutch business friend, dressed for the woods, inspecting Huggins Pond, then Theodore's property, in late fall 1946.


Sylvia Willich, Theodore's wife, and son
on the river, circa 1915


Dr. Edwards and his children circa 1914 when his house was under construction. By an eerie coincidence his daughter Grace died on the same day in 1998 as the house (by then owned by the Levines) burned down.

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