Minutes from the AGM
August 27, 2005

The meeting was held at the home of Mary Hall and David Barnes.
Lester Mattis, board president, called the meeting to order at 4:30, and welcomed everyone to the sixth annual FOBC meeting.

All members introduced themselves.

Mary Hall read the minutes from the previous meeting of August 7, 2004 and they were accepted.

Debra Lynker read the treasurer’s report and it was accepted.
-Balance as of July 7, 2004 was $7,105.29
-Deposits from dues, Church Fund, books were $3,805.00
-Expenses for Church Fund and miscellaneous were $2, 828. 91
-Balance as of July 7, 2005 is $8,081.38

In response to the Treasurer Debra Lynker’s complaint that the bookkeeping was becoming too complicated, Patricia Adams suggested a simplified form. It will include three columns only:
-Dues, a minimum of $25 for which a member receives two directories and an optional $5 for a CD of the website.
-Stories of the Beaverkill , the first and second volumes on Beaverkill history.
-FOBC Church Fund (It was reiterated that this fund is for exterior maintenance only as mentioned in previous minutes.)
The simplified bookkeeping form was accepted.


At the suggestion of Stuart Root and others a vote of acclamation was taken for the exceptional work that Ginny Lawrence has done on the website and her promise of work on Vol. II of Stories of the Beaverkill.
The membership also expressed gratitude to Ilene Ferber for her excellent work on the Directory.

The Board of Directors is Patricia Adams, David Barnes, John Kelly, Lester Mattis, Jane Sokolow.
The Executive Committee is the Board of Directors plus Mary Hall, Secretary and Debra Lynker, Treasurer.
This was approved.

Only those who are dues paying members are entitled to the membership list in the directory. The list should not be used for anything but FOBC business.

Jane Sokolow presented the situation. FOBC needs new blood, younger members and, perhaps, new ideas. Jane is putting together a nominating committee with the idea of broadening the Board and membership to new members. So far Lisa Lyons, Judith Katz and Steve Levine have agreed to serve on the new nominating committee.

Patricia Adams told us that Vol. I of Stories of the Beaverkill is available in its re-edited version in a second printing thanks to Debra Lynker and the Publishing Class of the Livingston Manor school. It is available for $25.

Vol. II is well on its way. Twenty-five articles are completed and submitted and only three remain to be submitted. The deadline for submission is Labor Day. The books will include poetry, pictures and stories. It should be printed and ready by Christmas.

Patricia described the huge contribution made by Ginny Lawrence both on Vol. II as well as on the website. Ginny has volunteered to design the book and has purchased software and hardware to make it possible. Patricia made a motion to pay Ginny $1500 for her work and expenses. The motion was approved.

A discussion ensued about the difficulties of distribution as well as the

role of Hamish and Henry and the price that should be charged. That issue is as yet unresolved.

The Livingston Manor School through its Publishing Class prints the book and sends it to a bindery. John Adams suggested that FOBC take out an ad in the yearbook to support the school. The subject will be discussed with the school.


Stuart Root and Steve Lott gave the report and reiterated that the FOBC General Fund based on dues cannot be mixed with the FOBC Church Fund which is for the exterior maintenance of the church. This year $7,000 - $8,000 was spent on scraping, replacing boards and applying three coats of paint to the exterior of the church. That should mean that another coat of paint will not be needed for five years which will probably cost $3,000 to $5,000. Stuart and Steve thanked the membership for contributions to the Church Fund and noted that they needed to continue unabated.

A parenthetical discussion ensued about the purpose of the money in the FOBC treasury since, really, there were scarcely any expenses. It was left that the money was there on a “just in case” basis but that a suitable purpose might be found for it, including, possibly, the LM school.

A discussion ensued about the possibility of an overhang on the new church steeple that might make it more historically appropriate. Some members said that it was a matter for the Church Board, not for FOBC. All FOBC could do was recommend and offer financial aid.

The matter of historical registration arose. Mermer Blakeslee will chair an Historical Registry Committee with a membership of Rose Brown, Patricia Adams and Judy Rosen.


John Adams recapitulated the story of the covered bridge and campsite. For five years it has been waiting for the State to take it over from the County. Last month, the DOT said that they would acquire the bridge and turn it over to the DEC, which will make it part of the campsite. The DOT will maintain the bridge for both vehicle and pedestrian use. Because the campsite is the oldest in the State, the Dept. of Parks & Recreation will begin the process of listing the campsite and bridge in the state historic registry.

John Adams suggested that perhaps Gov. Pataki would appear for the dedication in his new persona as presidential candidate.
The membership voted an acclamation of gratitude to John Adams for his work.


Eric Hamerstrom said that the design that most people in the area had chosen was wending its way toward approval, that bidding was expected to go out this fall and construction was expected to start in Spring, 2006. The bridge will be closed for the construction period.


Steve Levine gave a brief overview of the problem and directed the membership to the FOBC website for information. He acknowledged the help of Lisa Lyons for her information and for the work done at Renaissance Park in LM. Lisa distributed pamphlets that are also available at Morgan Outdoor in LM. There is a short movie about Japanese Knotweed playing at the Calicoon Theater.



Bruce Janklow has begun work on a calendar of the area that should be available by Thanksgiving for Christmas season gifts. Photos are due by October 1 for inclusion. The price will be $15-$20. Bruce will put out e-mail about deadlines and distribution. There was further discussion about Hamish and Henry as distributors and what the pricing should be. Members wondered where the revenues from the calendars should go and they discussed the possibility of donations to the school or other needs. It was left for further determination.

Wooly Adelgid

David Barnes gave a report on this tiny insect that is rapidly depleting the hemlock forests of the east. Up and down the eastern seaboard, 80% of hemlocks have been affected. Our immediate area has not been infected so far because it is thought to be too cold, but hemlocks as close as Frost Valley are infected. There is a beetle that combats the wooly adelgid, but so far it is in very short supply and cannot be considered a resource.

Kate Schmidt said that individual trees can be treated by injection, but not acreage. Individual concerned about their trees should consult an arborist or forester.

Jane Sokolow said that if buying a hemlock, we should make sure that they are locally grown so that we are not importing the blight.

Reports are posted on the website.

Town Planning

David Barnes, Kate Schmidt (County Planning Staff) and Pat Pomeroy (Town Supervisor) reported on the recent round of town planning meetings and matters of future consideration for the town.

This summer, meetings in the three hamlets of the Town of Rockland, Roscoe, Livingston Manor and Lew Beach, were convened and presided over by Pat Pomeroy, in order to discuss priorities for the hamlets. The report on the meetings is posted on the website.

Kate Schmidt reported on what the County is doing vis a vis its comprehensive plan.

The towns, she said, are the guiding force in the state. The county plan doesn’t have teeth unless the towns subscribe to it. Pat Pomeroy has asked for a comprehensive plan for the Town of Rockland and she is putting together a Steering Committee at the Town level. The priorities of the hamlets are reflective of those of the County are in the report on the

FOBC website. The County will help the Town with information and guidance. A vision statement based on the community meetings was distributed.

Pat Pomeroy is planning a Town meeting for a fall and it will be announced. For the Steering Committee, she is looking for 13-15 people of diverse age, experience, occupation and viewpoint. The first member to be announced is David Barnes and the first meeting will be called for September. The report of the steering committee will focus on the direction for the future with influence on land use, zoning, and subdivision.

In addition, Pat talked about how the Town was looking at alternative energy sources including wind turbines at Lake Mattawa, a lake owned by the Town. She also mentioned solar energy in conjunction with waste management for the Town. Alternative energy sources such as these might supply energy for the Town as well as additional revenue.

The meeting concluded with dinner and appropriate conviviality.

Respectully submitted,
Mary Hall



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