meeting was held at 4pm at the
home of Ginny and Roger Lawrence.
minutes from the previous meeting
of July 12, 2003 were read by
Mary Hall and accepted.
treasurer's report was read by
Debra Lynker and accepted.
as of July 9, 2003 was $5,116.29
as of July 7, 2004 is $7,105.29
addition is: 2004 dues paid of
book sales of $350.00
Adams announced that she was
stepping down as President after
5 or 6 years of service. She
plans to focus on Volume II
of the heritage book. Patricia
announced the Board's recommended
slate of officers for the coming
year. They are:
Les Mattis
President: David Barnes
President of Communications: Jane
Mary Hall
Debra Lynker
were no additional names offered
by the membership and this slate
was voted on and accepted.
was noted that the Board is a
different entity from the Officers.
The slate for the Board was submitted
as Les Mattis, David Barnes, Jane
Sokolow, Debra Lynker. Discussion
ensued about the necessity for
an uneven number of Board members
as stated in the Bylaws. Michael
Teitler recommended that we amend
the By-laws rather than the Board.
Board slate was voted on and accepted.
slate of recommended committee
heads and members was offered,
voted on and accepted. The committees
Board Chair: Patricia Adams
Committee: Bill Sharpless, John
Bridge: Bruce Janklow
Bridge: Eric Hamerstrom
John Adams
Stuart Root, Steve Lott
Michael Teitler
Judith Katz
site: Virginia Lawrence
Barbara and Robert Trelstad
Website: Virginia Lawrence
was noted that Don Jaeckel had
resigned from the Nominating Committee
and has not been replaced.
meeting was turned over to the
new president, Les Mattis, who
recounted the beginnings of FOBC
and made a statement of appreciation
for Patricia Adams' years of contribution.
She was acknowledged with a round
of applause.
reported on the progress of the
new Beaverkill Stories book.
on life in the valley are to be
submitted by October 15. Stories
that are now building include
those on Lucy Ackerley, Ethel
Osborn, Rudy Meyer and Jessica
Foote. In addition, Tim Foote
is working on a story about Beaverkill
in the 1930s, John Kelly on one
about the Willis family, Ed Cherney
on one about the Beaverkill Trout
Club. Others working on stories
include Dick Fisher, Mac Francis,
Bill Sharpless, Robert Treslstad,
and Bebe Loixeaux. Jane Sokolow
is the picture editor.
Janklow, head of the covered bridge
committee, was away on vacation.
In his stead, John Adams reported
on both categories.
campsite appears to be in good
shape in that the cutting of good
trees has stopped, new trees are
being planted, and fireplaces
have been replaced. There have
been complaints about garbage.
The garbage may be a result of
campers using undesignated campsites
on the south side of the river,
which is prohibited because of
the lack of policing facilities
there. This use has been protested
to the director. John recommended
that neighborhood people should
get an Empire State pass for swimming
at the campsite.
covered bridge appears to be moving
in the right direction for the
State to take it over from the
County. Discussion ensued about
the possibility of the State closing
the bridge to vehicular traffic.
John said that the Traffic Plan
was on record for maintaining
the bridge as open to traffic
but acknowledged that there were
no guarantees. Road repair is
badly needed on the north side
of the bridge and John suggested
that we go to a Town meeting and
bring it up, or send a letter
from FOBC bringing it to the attention
of the Town or the Town Supervisor,
who, as Roger Lynker said, had
always worked hard for the good
of the Town.
was discussion about the possibility
of a "Hamlet
of Beaverkill" sign,
or, as Eric Hammerstrom said, "former
Hamlet of Beaverkill" as
at the reservoir. It was recommended
that we send e-mail to Les Mattis
with both specific pothole complaints
and suggestions for placement
of a sign.
Hammerstrom reported on the Iron
was a meeting on June 12 at Lew
Beach at which many FOBC members
were in attendance. There, information
sheets, diagrams and overlays
were available. There appears
to be a working through of the
process and most people seem to
be in favor of the "through
truss" design,
which most resembles the current
bridge. There is hope for a decision
by September, and if so, work
would begin in spring of '05 and
be completed before the following
winter. Site characteristics like
the river banks and castle gates
pretty much dictate that the bridge
needs to be in the same spot that
it is now, but, though still a
single lane, it will be wider
which will help to alleviate the
turning radius problem. It will
allow a large truck to pass through
although not a hook and ladder
truck. There was some conversation
about the difficulty of turning
and so forth and it was acknowledged
that we have had the same conversation
for four years, that there was
no real solution to it, and that
the bridge was a "fait
Root and Steve Lott gave the
Church report. There was considerable
conversation about whether contributions
were to the Church as a religious
entity or as a community landmark,
the FOBC church/state debate.
Debra Lynker made the essential
distinction: contributions to
FOBC designated for the Church
and sent to her, Debra Lynker,
were considered community landmark
contributions and would go to
the fund to maintain the exterior
siding of the Church; contributions
sent to Ellen Loizeaux would
go to the Methodist Church and
would be used in any way considered
necessary by the Church and
its congregation.
contributions by FOBC to maintain
the paint have been enough to
repaint the Church this summer,
even though the painting cost
approximately $7,000 and there
was only $5,700 in the fund. The
remainder was provided by money
in the original OSI fund, used
before FOBC had the necessary
legal standing to collect money.
In addition, Steve reported that
the Church collected money to
replace the roof and steeple.
This money came from Church funds,
not FOBC funds. However, in the
process it was discovered that
the shutters were falling apart
and would require $2400 to replace,
even though the painter has offered
to paint them and put them up
at no additional cost. The Church
can contribute some but not enough
to cover whole job. Overall, FOBC
has contributed about $13,000
to the maintenance of the Church.
Considering that the Church is
now in good physical shape and
that the new request was for the
long term, FOBC approved the additional
contribution for new shutters
from the $3,400 remaining in the
original OSI fund.
were reminded to contribute to
the FOBC Church fund by sending
checks to Box 704, Roscoe, 12776.
There was much discussion of the
fact that the fund raising letter
for the Church sent out by Ellen
Loizeaux, Steve Lott and Bill
Sharpless raised $7,000 while
FOBC received only $150 in Church
contributions during the past
year. Many members may have been
confused and thought that they
were contributing to the FOBC
fund for the Church. SEE FIRST
Teitler was cooking corn and
this discussion was passed over.
Lawrence offered to show the web
site at the meeting, acknowledged
the great contribution of Colin
Foote, and suggested that the
Treasurer's report and Secretary's
minutes could be posted on the
site. The site requires Flash
software to view.
Trelstad left an album of photographs,
requesting that members annotate
the photos with names and dates.
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