first official meeting of the "Friends
of Beaverkill Community" was
held on Saturday, April 3, 1998
at 4:00 p.m. at the home of Patricia
and John Adams.
attendance were: Duke Wiser, Kate
Adams, Wayne Sorce, Seth Sternberg,
Judy Rosen, Jane Sokolow, Roger
and Debbie Lynker, Mary Hall,
David Barnes, Stu Root, Les Mattis,
Judith Katz, Mike Teitler, Tim
and Bebe Loizeaux, Phil Perrone,
Mia Wilkenson, Mike Loizeaux,
Elizabeth Hamerstrom, Mac Francis,
Sue Brotherton, Don Jaeckel, Pat
Enger, Stuart and Bea Brown, Jack
and Maddy Obecney, Julie and Don
Allen, George Fielder, Patricia
and John Adams.
meeting was called to order by
Patricia Adams at 4:00p.m. The
minutes of the organizational
meeting and the steering committee
meeting were read. The chairman
asked that the name "Friends
of Beaverkill Community" and
the mission statement proposed
by the steering committee be adopted.
It was so done unanimously. The
recommendation of the steering
committee to assess $ 25. per
household dues was discussed and
approved, too. Patricia will talk
to the treasurer Barbara Trelstad
about opening a bank account and
Kate Adams will investigate the
not-for-profit status.
first order of business was the
discussion of the campsite and
the progress to date. On Monday,
March 30, 1998 the DEC and Trout
Unlimited held a joint press conference
at the campsite to announce a
two year stream restoration agreement.
Subject to Legislative approval,
$125,000 will be spent for habitat
restoration of key spawning tributaries,
$500,000 will be sought by the
DEC for 1999 to continue restoration
and $275,000 will be spent for
improvements to the Beaverkill
Campsite. John Cahill, Commissioner
of the DEC said the focus would
be on fishing and stream restoration.
The campsite improvements would
include cutting down the number
of campsites along the river (making
each a little more private), taking
down one of the old bath houses
and improving the picnic and beach
access to fishing would be added.
Judy Rosen raised the concern
that perhaps the campsite would
be too fishing oriented and that
local people would not feel comfortable
picnicking and swimming there.
John Adams said that while the
state has no intention of hiring
a lifeguard and officially recognizing
swimming at the campsite, because
of the liability, it was his understanding
that they wouldn't prohibit it
either. There was lively discussion
regarding this topic. Concerns
raised included designation of
swimming area vs. fishing area.
If there is no demarcation, would
conflicts arise? The DEC agreed
to try to have more supervision
on The picnic area of the campsite.
This concern was left unresolved
but John Adams said that local
residents working in the DEC like
Ed VanPut and Gerald Barnhart
know the importance of the swimming
and would work to see that it
is not prohibited. Mr. Cahill
also said that the gravel pit
area near the Beaverkill Church
might be sectioned off and used
as a parking area for hunters.
Pat Enger and Kate Adams, immediate
neighbors of this area were concerned
about this but were told that
this area is under the jurisdiction
of another branch of the DEC and
John Cahill was not able to discuss
that issue. Someone else at the
DEC needs to be contacted. John
Adams said he would make known
the concerns of the neighbors.
Judy was also concerned that cutting
down the number of campsites would
limit it's use but Patricia said
that the campsite has only been
1/3 full for the past few years.
Roger Lynker added that, having
worked there as a young man, he
agreed that fewer campsites would
make a better camping experience
for campers and agreed that it
rarely ever filled up. John Adams
said that his committee would
stay in touch with Mr. Cahill
as the project progressed and
offer input where possible.
and Gate Committee:
Allen reported that the Masons
were allegedly talking to a company
in NY who wanted to make the castle
a sportsmen's bed and breakfast.
They were looking for funding.
She said that the Masons were
independent and wanted no interference
in their decisions. Her committee
is however, in communication with
them and has offered support.
Progress is slow and she will
report any further progress. There
is little that can be done since
this is privately owned property.
Bridge Committee:
Obecney reported on a conference
call that he had had and read
from a letter of reply he received
from Sullivan County Dept. of
Public Works Commissioned Peter
Linholt. The commissioner said
that the county would be willing
to move the "goal
posts" back
further from the bridge and cover
them with timbers so that they
were less unsightly but that they
were the only deterrent to illegal
traffic. They would also remove
some of the signs on and around
the bridge. The idea of a third
bridge was again discussed but
with no answers of when or where
it might happen. Mr. Linholt recommended
setting up a task force of local
and county people to discuss these
issues. Roger Lynker said that
the posts are not only unsightly
but dangerous as well. During
the winter several people have
reported sliding and nearly hitting
them, he included. Moving them
further uphill on the Ragin Road
side would make this even more
dangerous, especially for those
residents using the Ragin Road
and having to make that sharp
turn. He suggested dropping the
siding on the ends of the bridge
to a height just high enough to
allow the ambulance to pass, but
not trucks, with the lower boards
being designed to break away,
with no structural damage to the
bridge, if someone accidentally
hit it. It was clarified that
this is not the same thing as
a swinging board hung above the
entrance. Several people agreed
with Roger and a motion was made
by Kate Adams to have Jack go
back to Mr. Linholt and ask if
this idea might not be tried.
Jane Sokolow said that the committee
should talk to people regarding
other covered bridge projects
to see what they have done about
this problem. Mac Francis seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Root reported on the facts gathered
since the organizational meeting.
He had the following estimate:
The cost of painting the building
- $ 4200.00 the cost of repairing
the siding - $ 2765. The contractor
agreed to come back after one
year to touch it up and said the
job would be good for 8 - 10 years.
If the shutters were to be redone
the cost would be an additional
$ 3000. ($500. per shutter - 6
shutters) Bebe added that the
Trustees of the church already
had an estimate of $ 10,000 for
vinyl siding for the church and
the life expectancy was 20 or
30 years. She added that this
committee could make a recommendation
but that the final decision was
the Boards and she had concerns
about leaving the church in debt
and in need of repairs in the
next decade for her successor.
She would like some assurance
that this group was in this for
the long term. Not just fix it
up and forget it. She did request
that the committee move quickly
if it wanted to make a recommendation
to the Trustees because the final
decision must be made by the end
of June. She also requested that
Dean Construction, the contractor
slated to do the vinyl siding
be given a chance to bid on the
paintwork as well. She has been
working with him on other projects
and thinks that it is only fair.
Stuart agreed to get his bid as
well. The church committee will
meet again on May 2, 1998 at 4:00
p.m. at Stuart Root's home. Bebe
cannot attend but Tim will attend
in her absence.
Bridge Committee:
Hall reported that the bridge
was built in 1906 and that she
has corresponded with County DPW
Commissioner Peter Linholt but
has not yet received a reply.
She said that her committee does
not yet have a clear direction
because they don't know what the
county has in store for the bridge.
to Robert Trotta the county's
chief engineer, they are not yet
sure what they will be doing,
but he doesn't like the idea of
historic preservation. Roger Lynker
raised concerns about the safety
aspects of the bridge and said
as a fire chief he would like
to see it replaced. Mary said
that her committee may agree that
replacement is the best option
but if it is the committee might
want some input regarding its
replacement. She isn't sure if
it can or should be historically
preserved or if it is updated
if it would necessarily be the
same. She received an application
from Kathleen LaFranc of the State
Historic Preservation Committee
with several ways that historic
preservation might be approached.
(Individual structures, properties,
groups) Perhaps this committee
should join with the covered bridge
committee if we decide to investigate
historic designation. There was
much discussion about joining
the two bridge committees since
they both have the same county
contacts and historic designation
is a concept for both. After lengthy
exchange it was decided to keep
the committees separate but that
they would have a joint meeting
and discuss ways that they might
work together. The reasoning was
that the goal posts at the covered
bridge are short-term project
but the iron bridge is a long-term
project and we didn't want to
jeopardize one project by confusing
it with another. Perhaps in the
future they may merge.
each committee report the problem
of the unrepaired erosion of the
Craigie Clair Road kept coming
up. Since it is not covered by
any of the existing committees
it was passed over as each chairman
made his/her report. Near the
conclusion of Mary's report it
was suggested that the two bridge
committees be combined into an
infrastructure committee and include
this project as well since it
too deals with County DPW officials.
The group decided that this was
not a good idea but perhaps a
separate Infrastructure committee
be formed. Stuart Brown (at the
conclusion of the meeting) agreed
to chair this committee. Stuart
has been involved in a taxpayers'
group already investigating this
problem with Town and County DPW
officials. It was recommended
that this committee should be
comprised of local residents of
the area and fishermen who are
concerned about stream disturbances
from any repair work undertaken.
Stuart reported that the county
engineer's decision is to blast
out the bank to widen the road
rather than try to add fill to
the riverside. He will investigate
further. Anyone interested can
sign up for this committee.
Patricia Adams encouraged everyone
to participate in any and all
committee meetings that they felt
compelled to attend. If anyone
has any ideas for a logo for the
group, contact Patricia. The meeting
was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. with
no date set for the next meeting.
Patricia will notify people.
Rosen, Secretary
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